

- Translation -


- Concepts -

wealth, money, food, sustenance, intial conditions, luck, personal power, circulation of power, financial strength, prosperity

- Psi -

beginner's mind, presence, freedom, first impressions, young love

- Energy -

mobility, luck, charisma, dynamic power, liquid and mobile transferable energies, abundance, circulation, 'mana', sexual attraction

- Mundane -

money, recent purchases, reputation, freshness, fashionability

- Divinations -

new beginnings, social success, foresight, energy, travel, money, control; or greed, failure, atrophy, poverty, endings

- Governs -

Delegating your energy to another, power transference or projection; the sending rune
Drawing gravity into the personal sphere
Promotion of personal and social evolution, changing circumstances of importance
Increase in personal monetary wealth
Beginner's mind and presence as a tool for consciously creating a fresh start