Rune of the Divine structure of intelligence in the human soul or psyche. Rune of the horizons of human existence and collective potential
mind & memory (Hugin & Munin), the difference between human and all other life, development of the intellect, rational mind, perfected intelligence
psychic order of the gods reflected in humankind, projection of Self into time
thinking, planning, analysis, the human condition, people at large (contemporary: the masses)
Divine structure, sustainability, intelligence, awareness, social order, divine influence in life; or depression, mortality, blindness, self-delusion, collective suicide, bigotry, elitism, intellectual arrogance
Realization of the divine structure in humankind
Increase in intelligence, memory and mental powers (passing tests)
Unlocking the third-eye hvel, the “mind’s eye”
Activating the dynamics of your own inner Christus, or Higher Self
Awareness of our roles as co-creator with the gods and nature
Mental and spiritual potential