'Need-fire' or 'Necessity'
need, resistance, constraint, conflict, drama, effort, necessity, urgency, hard work, need-fire, life lessons, creative friction, distress, force of growth, the consequence of past action, short term pain for long term gain
resistance, need, effort
necessity, coming forth into being, urgency
doing what must be done, chores, hard work
Resistance (leading to strength), recognition of orlog örlög (ultimate law, primal truth), innovation, need-fire (self-reliance), personal development and life lessons, achievement through effort; or constraint of freedom, distress, toil, drudgery, laxity, warnings, worry, guilt, moral cowardice, unfulfilled or unrecognized needs
Overcoming distress or negative orlog
Acceptance of the unchangeable
Development of magical will, the manipulation of wyrd
Understanding the dynamic force of “resistance” in the process of creating
The generation of creative energy for problem solving
Protection of one's own needs
Recognition of personal need
Love magic; especially to obtain a lover